Sunday, 25 May 2008

American Anti-Communism

This poster from1938 depicted a threat that wasn't fully realised till the mid forties and the start of the Cold War. This was the Domino theory in which the prediction was that one communist country could convert a neighbouring country creating a domino effect. Despite the Soviet Union being part of the allies force during WWII it can be seen by the date of this poster AmericaUSSR's intentions. This concern was realised during the escalation of the Cold War as more and more communist countries arose from the post-war environment. This caused America to enter into a frenzy of anti-communism, therefore developing a propaganda war.

The Idea of the Domino effect is something that has been debated over for many years and it's importance can be seen in the way it may have been used to fuel American lead wars. A relation can also be argued for a similar situation in the Middle East at the moment. It's also interesting to see how it could be said that the media have been shedding a negative light on Muslims in a similar way they did to the communists. I think it's important to realise that stereotyping a nation or religion is only going to cause escalation and that instead a more intelligent stance should be taken. This is not to say that there is an easy answer but I believe that the use of education is more beneficial than force.

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