Sunday, 25 May 2008

German WWII Propaganda

The 'L'entente Cordiale' was an agreement signed in 1904 to improve Anglo-French relations and to deal with the threat of German expansion in Europe. This poster from 1915 shows the way the Germans used this threat against them to try and pursued the German people that it was in fact Britain trying to conquer Europe.

This poster is heavily laden with interestingly persuasive imagery, for start there is the contrast between the regal like bird representing Germany and the evil looking spider representing Britain. Then there is the way the spider is shown to be controlling other nations, especially the half devoured Frenchman, suggesting the recent conquest of France. As well as the already controlled Norway represented by there hoisted flag on the spiders leg, the poster also hints at who Britain will 'conquer' next, showing Uncle Sam and two others tied up in the background. Other thing to note are the dark clouds brewing behind Britain's 'conquering' spider showing their apparent evil desires and the German U-boat in the sea of Marmora showing the expectation of a German defence. This has been the most interesting propaganda poster I've come across so far, as it shows the clever way the German government used the signing of the 'L'entente Cordiale' to turn there people against the Allied forces.

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